Monday 27 February 2012

Prepring For Examination

   Stress happens when you work constantly, without a break.This creates tension and panic.As a student, you need to avoid last minute study;it is better to prepare in advance to avoid confusion and stress.From the start of the academic yea,devote some time to study so that at the end,when exams comes have to be taken, there is no undue panic.This way,there will be time for revision.
   A healthy diet,regular exercise and playing games are all important in your life. Practice of games are all important in your life.practice of Vipassana is good for the memory. Pranayama or deep meditation and breathing to physical and mental health.
   As a student, would spend three hours daily during the last two months prior to final exams in solving 5-7 years old question papers on related subjects as though i was in fact appearing for the finals.Thereby i not only gained confidence but also cultivated a positive attitude and appeared in the examination relaxed.
   It is good to spend more time on difficult and important topics.The best time to do this is during the early hours of the morning when the mind is rested and fresh.Positive thinking not only provides us with new aspirations and hope but also gives us courage.Why get frustrated by failure? See it as an opportunity to do better the next time.
   Parents need to ensure that their children are not overburdened with their expectations. Parents need to give moral support to their children and help maintain calmness and cultivate art of listening. Kindly listen to your children and please avoid undue criticism, parents could try to maintain serenity in the home and create a healthy atmosphere that focuses,concentration on study.
   Student need to also remember that there are numerous examples of people , by sheer strength of character , taken to heights through knowledge and experience gained by self efforts. In the words of Montaigne,"To compose our character is our duty,not to compose books and to win, not battles and provinces but order and tranquility in our conduct".